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Idea: Make skins, multiplayer and gamemodes, simple yet effective 


its peak..


you should make the map larger and add more powers
like double jumping
teleport (up to 5m)
more planets
make a glider that acts like the "do a barrel roll mod" from minecraft

Hi! I'd like to report a dungeon bug, after beating the game, go to 500x speed and uber-fly to lava, game will start duping frames and glitching.

thanks, this is a known bug and it'll be fixed

you can actually go through a lot of walls that way

You can also board jump into the tower's first floor at the top of the stairs i figured out XD

How do i regenerate cars

i destroyed them all with the beam and i need the insurance will love this acheivement along with the other car acheivements


If you fly up past the Sun and Moon straight up into the sky you'll go into a new Dimension. In that dimension there is a lever that resets the map. 

If you go to the club (You can find it if you fly high enough until you see pink, blue and purple) and flip the lever, the you can reset the map (which resets cars, people, building etc...)

I haven't even played this game yet and already am laughing SO HARD


Funny Update Idea:

1: Add more powers in-between the long gaps

2: make mars a new world with new powers (move the sun back a bit)

3: Add a boss fight where you have to use max meowing to beat

500 chicans

I am stuck here

(1 edit)

as a postal 2 fan, this made me waste way too much time in a good way. one complaint though is the lack of a linux version, but that can be fixed somewhat with wine

Make a secret Item for when you get like 1,000,000 power

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